Real Estate - FYZICAL Clinics
Have a site you'd like to submit to our real estate team?
If your site meets our criteria outlined below, please email us at
FYZICAL Location
Site Criteria
- Retail Strip Center (Not Class A)
- Medical Building or Plaza
- Light Industrial or Flex Space
- Clinic Size - 2000 - 2800 sq ft
Signage Opportunity - Facade & Pylon
Access - Ingress & Egress
Visibility from Road
- Parking
- First Floor vs Second Floor - Close Proximity to Elevator
Buildout/Delivery Condition:
- Restroom (1-2 depending on code)
- Vanilla Shell Delivery Preferred (FYZICAL work letter)
Other Considerations:
- Co Tenants
- Ground Floor vs Upper Floor
- Exclusivity (no other tenant should conduct the same use as FYZICAL)

Submit a Site to our Team:
Email our real estate team at